6 Things with Tess Twiehaus of Tess Interiors
Tess Twiehaus has had a passion for interior design from a tender age. Her love for the craft carried her from DIY projects as a beginner to a talented design student, to eventually become a full-fledged professional in the field. Since then, she has launched her own interior design firm, Tess Interiors, and continues to curate homes and spaces that reflect a deep understanding of her clients’ unique personalities and lifestyles.
1. What started it all for you?
My mom is completely responsible for my love of Interior Design. She was always updating our house and installing wallpaper or sewing drapes. She's the OG DIY queen. I loved that world and how creative it allowed you to be, in such a diverse way. Once I learned it was an actual career, I was all in! I went to school for design and worked for top studios before launching Tess Interiors in 2020.
2. What drives your creative spark?
3. Most treasured home decor item?
4. What’s the best advice you've ever received?
5. It's 5 o'clock at home. What would you be pouring?
6. What are your 6 favorite accounts that you follow for inspiration?
Narrowing this down to six is a tall order, but here we go!
"I really believe in curating your space with love and care. Nothing should be meaningless." -Tess Twiehaus